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The Health Benefits of Speech Therapy for Seniors


When we think of speech therapy, images of specialists helping children improve their enunciation often come to mind. However, speech therapy is a service provided by agencies specializing in home health care services in Chicago, Illinois. Speech therapy offers several health benefits for seniors beyond improving their communication.

As a trusted provider of home health care services in Houston, Texas, we will discuss the benefits of speech therapy for seniors:

  • Enhance the ability to swallow

    For seniors, the risk of choking is much higher. To address this, speech therapy strengthens age-weakened muscles. By strengthening the larynx and jaw muscles, seniors can improve their swallowing reflex to enhance safety and comfort during meals.

  • Strengthen vocal cords

    Like other body parts, our vocal cords become less elastic with age. This weakens the larynx muscles which makes communication more challenging. As a provider of home health care services in Morris, Illinois, we offer speech therapy to provide specialized vocal exercises. This strengthens the vocal cords and enhances communication.

  • Aid in stroke recovery

    Speech therapy addresses aphasia and apraxia. These are two disorders that are common after suffering a stroke. Speech therapy can be a vital part of the recovery process and the earlier it is started, the better the chances of recovery.

We at AT HOME QUALITY CARE aim to provide the best care to patients and their families. As a trusted provider of exceptional home health care services, we offer speech therapy as part of our services. Contact us for inquiries about the rehabilitative therapies we currently offer.

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