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The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking


If you’re thinking of starting smoking, better not to start it. And if you’re already smoking, it’s better if you stop it as recommended by healthcare professionals such as those providing home health care services in Morris, Illinois. Why? It’s because of the several dangers it poses to our health which could lead to various health conditions, such as its role in developing heart diseases, strokes, lung diseases, etc. Read on to know more about the dangers of cigarette smoking.

  • Smoking causes death
    Cigarette smoking is the top cause of preventable deaths in the U.S., which number over 480,000 every year in the U.S. This number equates to almost one in every five deaths. Deaths caused by smoking number more compared to the combined total of five other causes of death, which are illegal drug use, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and firearm-associated incidents. Approximately 90% of the total lung cancer deaths are attributed to smoking as well.
  • Smoking raises health risks
    Smokers have a much bigger tendency to develop severe health conditions such as heart illnesses, strokes, and lung cancer. Smoking increases the risk for coronary heart illnesses and stroke by about 2 to 4 times. It also increases men’s chances of getting lung cancer by 25 times and 25.7 times for women. All healthcare professionals, like those giving home health care services in Houston, Texas, will advise us to quit smoking to avoid these health risks
  • Smoking raises the risk of developing cardiovascular disease
    Those who smoke have a bigger risk for illnesses related to heart and blood vessels. It’s one of the main causes of stroke and heart ailment, which are the leading causes of death in the U.S. It damages the blood vessels. It can thicken and narrow the blood vessels, which results in the heart beating faster and blood pressure going up. Clots can form as well.
  • Smoking causes cancer
    Smoking is a big contributor to developing cancer in almost all parts of the body, such as the trachea, bronchus, lung, bladder, colon and rectum, blood, esophagus, etc. It also raises the risk of death due to cancer and other illnesses among cancer patients and survivors. Smokers should stop smoking the soonest time possible with the help of healthcare staff like those offering home health care services in Northwest Indiana.
  • AT HOME QUALITY CARE has a great pool of highly proficient healthcare professionals to help you keep your health. Feel free to contact us about our home health care services in Chicago, Illinois.

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